Funny Life

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Posted by Manualblock [ ] on March 10, 2006 at 10:47:15:

All this wonderfull new technology; lets see; my DVD palyer has been used about twenty times and now is broke. Will not read the disc.
I joined Yahoo Groups for Eico's because I want to re-build my ST 40 and they do that there. Unfortunetaly; with Firefox you can't access Yahoo Groups. I bought a couple CD's from Amazon and they billed me twice. There is no info on how to contact them anywhere on their site. My friend told me of and I had to access that site to get a phone number for Amazon; three or four days of nonsense.
I can't get my pics to upload on any of the servers and all I want to do is show someone a pic of an amp so I can troubleshoot it. I went to Radio Schlock to get an IEC input for a chassis and the kid tells me they sell the cords and the chassis but they don't sell the IEC's. Then I have to look up all the parts on the internet in their store.
My cable box failed and to re-tune the new one I had to spend three hours on the phone; then cancel all of my pay channels and then re-submitt them so I can get HBO for the Soprano's.
My son can't get e-mail because of the router not functioning properly.
Now the cable shuts down when I seek the info button to see whats on that channel. Verizon billed me twice for the same month. The phone can't record messages now we don't know why.

Here's what I want, an RCA 25" dot matrix TV with 21 channels, 2-21 and all the old shows on.
A rotary phone.
All of the great old electronics shops that used to sell around here for fair prices.
The old stereo shops back with used sections.
The five newspapers that nused to sell here.
All computors to self-destruct as of 12 am tonight.
Everyone on the block to return to the old console magnavox stereo's everyone had and then actually played music on them; while they talked. Amazing that people used to talk.
Record stores with new artists people actually want to hear.
A 1964 Pontiac LeMans. With bucket seats and an FM radio playing Allison Steele or Steve Post.
A cassette recorder to record all that great music from the radio and play them in my car with the top down.


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