Re: Magnetic Tape

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on January 27, 2004 at 04:48:11:

In Reply to: Re: Magnetic Tape posted by lon on January 27, 2004 at 04:30:11:

Hi Lon!

You might be right - That might be another good discussion group. Does it not fit into the Digital Editor or Pro Audio Processor category though? If so, there already are discussion forums here at the Digital Audio and Pro Audio forums.

One thing I've found about discussion boards like this is that once you've posted something, internet search engines pick it up and within a couple of months, people with interest can find it and join in the discussion. This is particularly true if the subject of interest is contained in the subject title of your post. As an example, I noticed the Vintage Radio forum wasn't listed in search engine results for "tube radio forum." So by making a post with that in its subject title, search engines will pick it up and help tube radio enthusiasts find the forum. The subject name is the next most important thing to the forum name in search engine results.


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