Re: F***ing low life car thieves

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on November 25, 2004 at 05:19:33:

In Reply to: Re: F***ing low life car thieves posted by Adrian Mack on November 25, 2004 at 04:24:27:

Hi Adrian,

I'm soooo sorry. I know Thanksgiving has already come and gone for you but happy Thanksgiving anyway, eh?

Man, I really need anger management or something 'cause I just get livid about stuff like that. I react just like you do in times like those. I start thinking that people like that are a waste of good oxygen and should be euthanized. I've considered connecting an ignition system to the chassis too. Drop a chain to make a ground and viola! Then the next thing you know I'm thinking about how to use more drive current, use a bigger coil, make sure it really works...

After a while, I settle down and think about it a little bit. I can't help being angry but I don't want to become dark over it. But, dude, you've had a rough year! With the car deal, your friend, and this. I'm reeeeaally sorry. You watch, in a year, you'll look back on this. You'll make lemonades out of this deal, and it will be sweeter than what you have now.

I've suffered a lot of theft too in the past couple of years too. I have two Oldsmobile Cutlass's. One is my baby, and it's garage kept so it doesn't get touched. But the other is a stock car, just a backup really. And that thing is always getting messed with. The sound system was stolen three times in the last couple of years, so I stopped replacing it. The car itself was stolen earlier this year. I was amazed that it was found, but I had to pay to get it from the impound and the steering column was destroyed and the rear lock punched in. I eventually replaced those and now have begun to use "the club" on the steering wheel. Sometimes when I think about it, I can easily revert back to my Nazi thinking of euthanizing the riff-raff of society.

But in the end, you're either a giver or a taker. Givers are happy, takers are not. It really is that simple.

Take it easy Adrian. You're a good guy and it will turn around and you'll be ten times better off in 2005.



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