Stoetkit Jr. Review

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Posted by matth [ ] on December 02, 2004 at 12:57:07:

Stoetkit Jr. Review

I had been searching for a low powered tube amplifier kit when I came across the postings on this forum for the Stoetkit Jr. A few emails later and I had this amplifier sitting in my living room.

There are several terrific reviews on the Jr. already posted. The authors of those reviews undoubtably have more background in the world of musical reproduction than I. However, I thought I might as well share my impressions of this amp.

The associated equipment:

MusicaHall MMF-7 w/Goldring Cart
Monolithic Sound PS-1
Yamaha CD 645
Klipsch Heresy

Previously the system had been driven by a Carver SS amp.

While the Heresy are not as strong in the lower regions as some speakers, the Jr. drove the bass quite well. It was just as forceful as with the SS amp, but more controlled and defined. The upper frequencies are what really catches your attention. Never before have I had an amplifier that so quickly responds to transients. Instruments seem to appear out of nowhere. Not harsh by any means, but rather quick, smooth, and natural.

Auditioning the Jr. with LPs was a real treat. Finger snaps from J. Geils Band “Love Stinks” simply pop realistically onto the stage. Elton Johns “Captain Fantastic” was crisp, clear, and full of life. Complex orchestra material came alive with authority and definition. Even my wife, who claims to not notice the difference between systems, noted that this amp was “clearer” than the previous setup. From classical to jazz to rock, the Jr. presented effortless and graceful detail.

The Jr. presents a wonderful, open sound stage. The musical presentation is not anchored to the speakers, but rather around the speakers. The Jr. is able to articulate the depth and dimension of the recording.

I tend to shy away from digital recordings due to my less than ideal CD playback source. But I will say that with the Jr. the digital material was much more acceptable. It was if the CD source was upgraded as well. The speed, clarity, and warmth that it brought to analog playback was there on the digital side also. The Jr. upgraded every aspect of my system.

Some reviewers have noted a drop in the upper midrange from this amp. I did not note a significant dropoff. This may be the due to the speakers I am using, which tend to be strong in the midrange.

The performance of this amplifier is terrific. Combining preamp/amp has always been, in my opinion, a good way to maximize value in hifi equipment. Build quality is quite good and the aesthetics are more than acceptable, it does not look like a DIY project. Speaking of DIY, the kit does not appear to be overly difficult to build.

It would be easy to spend a great deal more money and still not achieve the sonic capability of this unit. The Jr. will make you smile with it's good sound, and you didn't have to spend a fortune to get it.


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