Re: Some humor

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 27, 2005 at 17:37:50:

In Reply to: Re: Some humor posted by Wayne Parham on June 27, 2005 at 17:13:33:

George Carlin kinda took from Lenny Bruce and Mort Sahl. Don't get me wrong he's funny but the parralells are very close. Regarding stand-ups I think a lot of guys took from Allan King and Robert Klein; who BTW has a new album out after what, 25 yrs? When Carson had Don Rickles, Don Adams and Buddy Hackett on occasionally; that was as funny as funny gets.
The closest thing to that was ten yrs ago when Howard would have Gilbert Gotfried; Sam Kinisen, and Bellsner on. Those three worked a riff into fine art and man your stomach hurt from laughing.
Nowadays there is a snide;smug undertone to comedy that rankles after a while. I think Seinfeld was the last good series to really do comedy for comedies sake; without an ulterior agenda.
That British guy who does standup in drag is good but I forget his name.
Unless you have some favorites I am not aware of?
(Eddie Lizardd, I think is the British guy,it just came to me.)


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