Re: Kat Giantis

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on June 24, 2005 at 17:35:57:

In Reply to: Re: Kat Giantis posted by manualblock on June 24, 2005 at 16:40:27:

Actually, I was sort of anxious and bored - I had everything ready to go to GPAF but couldn't go until noon. I had spent a very hectic week getting ready, working round the clock and then it was the day of and I was done and ready. So I was killing time.

As for projects, I've had some extremely interesting things on my plate. I'm itching to report some news about the cooling system I'm doing, because it's exciting. But what I have now is not quantified, just seat of the pants stuff so far.

Earlier this week, we connected the valve to a pump and the flow differential through the two sides was remarkable. I can tell the thing will work great, at least for setting up unidirectional flow. But the prototype was made with 1.5" ID, and it really should have been 1.25", so we had to machine an adapter. That isn't ideal, and will affect the testing. But the device worked so well on the bench that I'm confident even with a slight mismatch, it will still tell us what we want to know. It's ready for me to take and test, but I'm too busy to get it right now, so I'll get it tomorrow. I'll post some pics soon, to show you what I'm talking about. And I hope to have some demonstratable numbers very soon too.

I'm working on a new tweeter horn too. It's actually a re-hash of the one I designed for Martinelli to make. It was originally intended to have curved walls for top and bottom and straight walls on the sides, radiused to transition from the throat and at the mouth. But instead, Bill made the sides curved and the top and bottom straight. So I'm working on the updated version right now, and getting CNC stuff together. That's pretty cool, and I'm excited about it.

Speaking of Martinelli and the taller Theater three π you mentioned, that's exactly what his Arezzo was. It was a taller, thinner Theater three π loudspeaker. If you like it that way, just shift the woofer up in the baffle and mount the tweeter externally. Even leaving the cabinet dimensions as they are, just moving the tweeter outboard makes it taller. Or you can modify the cabinet a little to make it even taller and thinner like Martinelli did to create the Arezzo. Each of these configurations of the Theater three π loudspeaker are good, it's a great little loudspeaker in any flavor.


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