Ahhh, how could you miss it

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Posted by rnhood [ ] on March 07, 2005 at 16:01:20:

In Reply to: Martha Stewart is out! posted by Wayne Parham on March 04, 2005 at 07:02:07:

Clearly our economy has been perculating right along just as expected. Part of Stewart stock evaluation has to be tied to the general positive economy.

There are things that are never going to happen:

1. I am not going to live forever.

2. I will never understand how anyone would have predicted doom and gloom a couple years ago when it was clear where we were heading with the policies at play. Yet just look around at the various forums - like the outside. People everywhere were preaching the end was imminent and running for cover. Go figure...

People can bitch and spit all they want on our adminstration - all the while the intelligent investor continues to amass wealth and prepare for their retirement, exactly like they should. Even today these is a small amount of excess valuation in stocks. But, investors are not likely to let that get out of hand again. The market is exactly where is should be today. And, it will be rising looking through the remainder of this year. Look at the construction index and capital purchasing indexes - the GNP...see, see....


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