Response to Meeting Write-ups

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Posted by Manualblock [ ] on January 16, 2005 at 13:06:18:

In response to Colin's post. You cannot assume because emotion is attached to any endeavor it is by definition unapproachable intellectualy. People have no problem discerning a very good performance of music from a mediocre performance of the same piece in the same hall under the same orchestra; correct? So why is that not possible to do the same with an electronically reproduced performance?
I have stated my beliefe before, in this forum that there is in fact a reference standard for sound reproduction. A system of components that; when people enter the room they know immediately that this sounds good. If that is true; and I know we have all experienced this; then take that supposition to it's logical conclusion.
It may be a question of degree to some extent but yo know when you hear a pair of; let's say Klipschorns vs. Cerwin Vegas that there is a quality difference right?
How do you know that?
Whatever aspect of mental acuity that allows you to make that determination applies to what I said about a reference standard.
I maybe cannot assume what I like is perfect but I can tell if it sounds like real music. Thats the key; because if it were anything else we would all be listening to Bose Wave Radios.
Addressing the issue of personal response to criticism. Thats up to the individual. If you are secure with your choices and opinions then other opinions hold no potential for devalidating your choices.
I am more interested in the carefully thought out criticism than I am in the expression of polite exuberance. That to me is worthless and unuseable and serves to accomplish nothing. In fact I am aware when someone is patronising my efforts and I resent it. It is like cooking something that tastes like crap and getting the polite nod while they funnell it under the table to the dog.
With my DIY efforts believe me no one will be able to extend any critical appraisal that will be more severe than the one I grant my self. If my stuff is not up to snuff I will be the first to express that sentiment. And I hope I can count on others to extend me the same courtesy. J.R.


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