Re: interesting little story

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Posted by Thermionic [ ] on December 02, 2004 at 11:25:30:

In Reply to: Re: interesting little story posted by Wayne Parham on December 01, 2004 at 10:53:09:

Reminds me of a news story I read several years ago.

A elderly woman in NYC would be seen by her neighbors only about once or twice a week, usually when walking down to the market for groceries. She always had on the same clothes every time, an old, worn, black dress. She lived alone and never spoke to anyone. After her neighbors didn't see or hear her for awhile, they contacted the building manager. The lady had died in her apartment, apparently of natural causes. When the police searched it, they found over a million dollars in cash stashed in various locations!

After investigating her identity, it was found out that she was the widow of a very wealthy businessman. Her husband had been dead for many years. Though a millionaire, she had lived in poverty in a dank, dirty, roach infested apartment. She had very few clothes and very spartan furnishings. The couple was childless, and after no claims were made in response to the posting of public notices, all the dough went to the state of NY.



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