Re: Enlightening article on Wal Mart

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on November 30, 2004 at 17:29:03:

In Reply to: Enlightening article on Wal Mart posted by colinhester on November 30, 2004 at 14:57:34:

The Chinese government has demanded and recieved from Wal-Mart the right for their workers to unionize. Granted the union in China equals the government but it still has the negotiating power of traditional unions. So; how fair is that? Since they are prevented from participating in unions here. Therefor since many have no health care benefits and a good percentage recieve state aid in the form of food stamps etc. It's nice to know that we as taxpayers subsidize Wal-Marts workforce. Think about it the next time you buy their cheap crappy stuff and think you are saving money. Especially after you need to replace what you bought 6 months later.(I don't mean you Colin; just generalising)


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