Re: Africa

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on November 20, 2004 at 09:14:09:

In Reply to: Africa posted by elektratig on November 20, 2004 at 06:33:26:

True; and a sorry situation that is for the U.N. The condition of labeling the conflict as"Genocide", does not, contrary to popular belief, require an intervention by the Security Council; it opens the door for sanctions and requires the members to provide the strongest possible response to the accused parties. That call for sanctions was predicated by Congress due to pressure from Conservative Christian Groups;( due to Christians warring with Muslims); Black Caucaus Leaders and the Jewish Lobby, not the Exucutive Branch. I would point out that Colin Powell has a supremely intelligent understanding of the requirements for statesmanship in the region. Too bad the willfull little boy president we have refused to allow Mr. Powell to do his job. There is a potential vote of no confidence directed towards Kofi Annan resulting from the food for oil scandal and the sexual harrasement scandal at the U.N.. I personally do not believe he is very effective and should resign. J.R.


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