Ok then bare with me on this.....

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on March 17, 2007 at 11:30:55:

In Reply to: Re: Oops I did it again.... posted by FredT on March 17, 2007 at 06:23:15:

I think there is error in your thinking so let me try to explain. First let me say that I'm not ecstatic about Bush and never was. Basically I think that liberal policies are bad for the country (generally speaking now, ok?). So I don't want someone in office that try's to get along with the Liberals. I want someone in office that will fight liberal policies wherever and whenever possible.

So with that said. Although I'm not happy with Bush say 40% of the time, he is far better than any Democrat that I would be unhappy with 90% of the time. So the idea of "sending him a message with the last election results" is flawed in my mind. I would be screwing myself 50% of the time by voting for a liberal to "send a message".

Not to mention you have to look at the big picture. The President also appoints Supreme Court justices and judges. This is one of his most important responsibilities. Bush has done a fairly good job at this in my opinion. To send Bush or the Republicans a message by voting in a Democrat may allow that Democrat to change laws for years or decades to come when he appoints liberal judges. Just look at the 9th circus court in CA. Are these the type of judges you want? Would you be willing to put up with these activist judges for years because you didn't like Bush? Think about it?

So I think not voting at all or voting for a party you disagree with 90% of the time to send a message is only hurting your political beliefs and the country in the end. Not to mention that the Republicans in Congress may be exactly what you want in a congressman. To vote them out because you disagreed with the president seems flawed to me as well. What say you???


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