Re: I just love comedy!

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on September 09, 2006 at 12:54:24:

In Reply to: I just love comedy! posted by wunhuanglo on September 09, 2006 at 09:46:51:

When you even discuss such a ridiculous idea; that the Iraqi's wanted anything to do with Al Queda who by nature are a Saudi group and don't like the Iraqi's; you give a non-story credibility. Even though most people with a brain by now know that that was not even remotely true; the more the bush talks about it the more people go," Gee maybe they are in Iraq; it must be true if our president says so." Just like this phony war on terror; the same as the "War on Drugs" and "The war on Communism" and all the rest of the dumbass war scenarios cooked up to manipulate public opinion and drive money into the hands of whoever is supposedly fighting these imaginary wars.


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