Re: Competitive edge

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on October 30, 2004 at 16:50:16:

In Reply to: Re: Competitive edge posted by Wayne Parham on October 30, 2004 at 16:00:31:

So Wayne; in terms of the intersection of government and business and the quality of american auto manufacturing; the bailout of Chrysler by the taxpayer, the tax incentives offered by southern senate districts of prominent republican legislatures. The protectionist legislation rammed through congress in the 80's that bought time for GM? The majority of parts for these American cars come from ...Where? My point is you cannot seperate the two. Free trade capitalism is a myth. Will a product that is better made sell? Sure if the price is right. How do we do that? When Wall Street demands a return far in excess of reasonable in order to fund all those private pension mutuals and huge CEO payrolls.
Can American initiative succeed in the Electronics industry. No. Not without trade protection legislation; a mandate to free up the Universty research Depts. Tax funded private R&D. Of course that all ties in with politics. Look at how a drug is brought to market. It is simplistic to think initiative and innovation can still produce a profit independant of political affiliation. Can a small operator succeed, sure look at yourself; but in the end if the drivers in your speakers became too expensive what would happen; you would go back to computors and the world wide electronic communications network.


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