What Sucks

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on July 30, 2006 at 18:58:49:

Hey; things are so bad now in the Mid-east; on the homefront; in South America and with the oil prices that it isn't even any fun complaining about it. So instead of belaboring the obvious regarding the incredible incompetence of this administration I have decided to demand an apology from all those who mocked us when we said what a terrible waste this war would be and how it wouldn't work out and how it was based on false premises.
So who is going to be man enough to admitt they had this whole thing wrong? Who will stand up and say I was wrong about Iraq and Afghanistan and I admitt it. Boy; how much respect would you have for that guy! He would be a true hero to be so upfront and honest.
Is anyone big enough to do it?


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