Re: Most Difficult Job

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on July 21, 2006 at 09:05:14:

In Reply to: Re: Most Difficult Job posted by akhilesh on July 21, 2006 at 08:41:11:

Hi AK; Definition 2 says "Hard to endure", that looks like it re-inforces what I said, no?
Anthony Burgess is a really bright guy; I liked "Clockwork Orange" myself. He invented a whole language with grammatical rules and structure for that film.
But we digress; what is your definition of a difficult job; and I already heard the answer; "The one you are doing now."
I admire those who toil in really trying circumstances on a daily basis; I don't think they get enough recognition for their efforts. So I start this little thread to give people a chance to vent.


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