Re: Most Difficult Job

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on July 07, 2006 at 19:22:51:

In Reply to: Re: Most Difficult Job posted by Damir on July 07, 2006 at 15:58:50:

Yes that is the point. Many jobs like that are held by guys who love what they do; the danger and difficulty is part of the appeal.
I wonder if it is true as they say that everyone thinks their job is the most difficult. I remmember back in the day when my good friend was a troubleshooter for Con-Ed. We would be at a party in January somewhere at 3 O'Clock in the AM and a snowstorm and boom; he would get a phone call; gotta go in, theres trouble. Now back then we partied well and hearty; so he would be driving into the city loaded after being up for 30 hours already to work outside in the snow and ice up on the high power lines drunk as a lord. Sometimes they would keep him for around the clock shifts. He'd come home to the apt looking like death warmed over.
Thats a demanding job. So when I would hear someone complain about their boss in some office; or some deadline was so frantic; I would have to laugh.


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