Ken Lay

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on July 05, 2006 at 09:47:42:

Wonder if he did himself in. To see arrogance and posturing on such a massive level you almost had to admire the guy. Aside from the fact that he was a skell.
Which brings me to my point. This current administration with it's similar perspective on things; that those in power should be granted immunity from the constraints of life the rest of us mortals must live under; the greed that empowers every move they make; the underlying contempt for the people and their needs; the philosophy of exclusion for all except those who subserve themselves to the dictates of the ruling members; will they ever have to pay that kind of price for their extreme unction?
Will the same type of justice Lay eventually succumbed to extract a vengeance from them?
I hope so. The people deserve their day of justice.


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