Re: Doctors vs Guns

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on July 01, 2006 at 11:32:49:

In Reply to: Re: Doctors vs Guns posted by Bill Martinelli on July 01, 2006 at 09:37:36:

Bill; don't get me started!
Health care is easily solved; number one is restrictions on the insurer's. New regulations on the insurance business; from how much tax write-offs they can claim to what their net-loss percentage can be. The salaries of executives and middle-management.
Next; drugs. Limitations on exclusivity rights. For the same reason that the current music/movie/books/information resources are being choked off and stifled by copyright abuses and fair use limitations we are being hosed by drug manufacturers.
Health care delivery systems. Number one abuse is the 20million illegals that cost an absolutely astounding amount of wasted money for hospital visits.
Then we have the numbers of very expensive hoistpital stays for people with self-inflicted health complaints; lung cancer from cigarrettes/alchohol/diabetics from life-style issues. Etc etc.
To treat a motorcycle head trauma victim is so enormously expensive that just a couple hundred of no helmet accidents could fund a small cities health care budget for a year.
I can't go on because this subject is limitless so let me end with a story.
The state of Nevada commisioned a federally managed study to see exactly who is using the medical resources in the hospitals in the city of Las Vegas.
They discovered that out of all of the tens of thousands of hospital visits in one year; the repeat visits from the same individuals accounted for over 33% of the total number of visits. That figure floored the researchers. The total bill of some 400 million dollars a year in hospital fees were generated by a significant number of the same people.
So they followed up by searching out these records and following the trail of the most invidious users of the health care resources in the hospitals.
One particular individual was responsible in one year for over 200 visits. He alone ran up costs of over one MILLION dollars.
Why? He was an alchoholic street person. He would get drunk and fall down. He had like twenty broken bones in one year. But that wasn't the most of the expense. He banged his head several times and required nuerosurgury twice to relieve pressure on the brain. Know what that kind of treatment cost? Not to be glib but one of the hospital administrators offered to put the guy up in the most expensive hotel in Vegas with a 24 hr nurse because that would have saved the county hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical costs.
The moral is we either accept that there must be programs funded to treat these kind of people or we will continue to pay amazing amounts of money to restore very small numbers of people to health.
Illegals/drugs/lack of care for the indigent; thats probably about 50% of the total health bill in our country.
The fact that insurers have no responsibility to provide any prophylactic care is half the problem and easily solved. Its a disgrace really how we let these pirates rake in the money and walk away from their responsibilities.


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