Re: Nuri Al Maliki

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 25, 2006 at 10:47:19:

In Reply to: Re: Nuri Al Maliki posted by Bill Martinelli on June 25, 2006 at 10:16:31:

Last Sunday they interiewed General Casey and they asked him "What about the 80% of the country thats safe."
He replied;" I don't like to assume anything; there is no place thats a 100% safe."
Gee; on Fox news they keep repeating the 80% safe story. All I see is whenever they crack down on one area the insurgents just move to another.
When we destroyed Fallujah; we forcibley evacuated 27,000 people, mostly women and children and the elderly. Where did we put them?
In the freakin' desert. No food/water/shelter. How will they feel seeing their mom squatting in some fetid desert pool to survive? Thats another terrorist in the making.
How many insurgents and leaders did we get? Most were already gone.


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