Re: Progress

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 16, 2006 at 14:08:36:

In Reply to: Re: Progress posted by Damir on June 16, 2006 at 13:12:20:

Well; regarding the first point eveidently someone cares because you replied.

I am not pushing any"version"; we were trying to have a discussion about the laws but we can't seem to get past this "people don't have any control over the government" thing. If you were a citizen here you would have been taught differently for 18 yrs or so.

Why would i want to say I think differently about something then provide no reason? Thats like a child saying "I don't like it."
" But why don't you like it Willy?"
"I just don't; thats all; so there!"

No one has to explain anything; I just asked what people thought. Why is that wrong? Why not contribute instead of criticise?

You want thematic/life/people; then post something about your life/people or themes. I find that very interesting. But then you would have to explain things and that seems to go against your philosophy as you state here.

No one is teaching anything; just trying to move on with this.

Here's a concept. If I sat next to you at a bustop and I said "Hey It's a nice sunny day out isn't it?" And you looked out at the nice sunny day and said, "It's raining", how far would that conversation get? Not too far I think. Thats what is happening here.

There is humor then there is humor. Just like wayne says he got e-mails? I got them too; and no one seems to like the cartoons.

It isn't my fault that no one writes on the SET forum; is it?

No one would write on this forum either if we didn't start some kind of dialogue about something of interest. Check the past threads. Hmmm; where are they?


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