Pheew; That was a tough one. Like Pulling Teeth.

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 15, 2006 at 11:01:36:

Now,( finally!) that we all agree the people are the government maybe we can move on to some more interesting stuff; like the changing demographics of western state voting patterns and how the Democrats may become the dominant party in some of the previously certified Republican states. Just as what happened to the south during the Reagan yrs.
Thats a very interesting subject.
This November what will the hot button topics be? Will bush's obvious move of drawing down a portion of the troops until after the election help the contested states Republican candidates? Will the pandering to religous groups through the marriage and school control issues sway voters to their side; or will people see through that and vote the man not the party?
The Southern Baptist Convention has floated an initiative to provide aid to evryone of their flock who remove their kids from public schools; any thoughts on that?


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