Ya' know what really pisses me off?

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Posted by wunhuanglo [ ] on June 10, 2006 at 15:18:53:

That JBL, a quintessentially American marque, won’t make their best stuff available here in the good-‘ol US of A. It’s like the Japanese won the war – you can get components (like the 1500AL) and speakers (like the S4800 and the 4348) there that you just can't obtain for love or money (legitimately anyway) here.

Maybe the market is small here in the US, but there can never be any market at all if you can’t get the stuff. And even beyond that I’m sure there are plenty of nut balls like me who’d not only be willing to pay retail to get these things but would also spread the gospel to the great unwashed.

“It’s not fair! Why does Yuchi get all the cool toys!” (said in an indignant whine while stomping my feet).


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