Re: No one is preventing me from doing anything? Why do you ask?

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 07, 2006 at 10:37:48:

In Reply to: Re: No one is preventing me from doing anything? Why do you ask? posted by Wayne Parham on June 06, 2006 at 22:35:13:

As I read this I have to ask these questions:
If the people who elect their representatives could each have these things you ask for; the right to do whatever you want; wouldn't that right eventually conflict with the same rights that every other person asked for as individuals?
You want the right to work for cash and not declare it; so what happens if everyone does that?
You want the right to impose your religous beliefs in the schools but what happens if everyone wants that? All the faiths? You can always opt out and send your kid to a parochial school; but then you would complain about paying school taxes; see how it never ends?
Smoking cigarrettes outdoors or in public; why should I have to breathe your smoke? Not too considerate is it? Forget about what that habit costs all the citizens in health care fees. I pay for your lung cancer treatment.
People form a government to accomodate everyone; not just the fringe elements of society. So if you can't do whatever you want; be thankfull, because the guy next to you might want to do something really crazy.


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