Re: Thought police

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 03, 2006 at 16:11:38:

In Reply to: Thought police posted by Wayne Parham on June 03, 2006 at 15:28:42:

I am watching David Horowitz who is if you might not know a hard core defender of the right wing and has written an excellent book called "The Proffessors." This book exposes the far left radical agenda on the campuses of some of the major universities of this country. He is a very literate and reasonable man and I like his work.
Why? Because he can describe the things that are wrong with the folks he supports as well as those who are dizzy dingbats of the radical left.
Why do I say this?
Well; look at your post. We started discussing retirement; how to pay for it. The truth is social security works and has always worked but the big guys want that money in the stock markett not in a general fund for the citizens. Thats the truth. If we can't admitt that then we are in the mexican stand-off.
Now you come back and say seat-belt laws suck/no smoking laws suck/helmet laws suck.
You say you can't talk about God in public but you don't say which God you want to talk about. The Jewish God/Buddha/Catholic or Christian?
My answer is why can't you talk about God in Church? Why do you have to make what should be a private and serious personal decsision public? And maybe isolate someone who doesn't agree with your religion?
The thought police exist in the guise of FBI/CIA/National Security Agency; all favored by the majority of the citizens according to the polls. I mean Christ they gave them permission to listen to all of our phone calls!
Helmet laws and seat-belt laws? People want lower priced insurance on their cars? Do you know what it cost to treat head trauma? Serious head-trauma averages over 3 million dollars throughout the life of the victim.
Tax outrageous sums? Make the wealthy pay their fair share; stop pork-barrell programs like money for vacant cattle farms or writing off huge phoney business expenses. The huge waste of money on so-called national security that is nonsense. Huge military expenses that waste the money in Iraq.
You write as if you are unhappy with Government but you don't say exactly what you would do about the people who will not have the money to retire and have no funded retirement program and when the huge tax increases hit us all because of the business sectors refusal to pay for the retirement programs they promised the workers what will you say then?
Your reply indicates that you have an interest in these issues; why not offer some carefull thought about the possibilities of change?
Why not answer some of the questions that are honest responses to your position? I find it interesting to hear what people say; but then I don't hear anything.


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