home depot

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on September 13, 2004 at 10:03:42:

At the depot this weekend and they are trying to get everyone to use the automatic checkout system. No one wants to do it so they have these enforcer chicks grabbing the confused and disoriented customers and steering them away from the manned checkouts. It is hilarious. I really don't care for the depot, they came in here and chased the old knolwedgable hardware guys out and replaced them with iqnorant uninvolved hourly wage earners. Everyone thinks they are saving money but now the place can't compete and as a result they must implement these cost saving measures that make shopping a nightmare. They strong arm the local communities for tax relief with promises of good jobs then gradually whittle away all benefits and lower the pay rates, consequently they end up hiring lots of females and oldstrs who really can't do the lifting and don't know the products or how to use them.
So now instead of a really sharp old guy from the neighborhood running a great hardware store and employing the locals and teaching them; we have the depot, bad merchandise and unproffesional service.
So how much did we save, look on the empty promise of school tax abatement that never materialised. The 3rd world model in action, taking over our country.
There is a good hardware place on a side road over by me. He almost bought the farm until about a year ago. Now he can't keep up and has hired 2 young guys, they are sharp as tacks and he gets great lumber and knows his stuff. Now the place lately is packed with depot refugees, they smile as they pay a little more than they would at the depot. And he contributes to the local sports teams and all this w/o ramming some BS tax break down our throats. Maybe Indonesia could use a good home depot?


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