Song Of Sheriff Joe

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 24, 2006 at 08:01:31:

Sheriff Joe

" There's a terrible situation,
That is threatening our Nation,
Endless waves of criminals,
Called Illegal immigration."

"Across our sacred borders,
And through our Nations doors,
They swim across across our rivers,
And crawl the desert floors."

" Is there nothing we can do?
Doesn't anybody know?
Wait..I see someone coming,
And it looks like Sheriff Joe!"

"Every day in Arizona,
You can see him arise,
With a lawbook in his hand,
Determination in his eyes."

" In Maricopa County,
He needs no introduction,
Just read the local news,
And whatch the crime reduction."

" Alone and singlehanded,
Or with help he will not fail,
He finds them and he binds them,
And he throws them all in jail."

"No Nonsense and no lies,
You can see it in his eyes,
He rounds them up,
While Washington,
Just argues and denies."

"Now the cowards in D.C.,
Can fool both you and me,
But there is one man they can't snow;
And his name is Sheriff Joe."


"If you're thinking,
About slinking,
Cross the border,
Then I'm thinking,
There is someone you should know,
And His name is,
Sheriff Joe."


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