Sheriff Joe Arpaio; American Hero

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 21, 2006 at 08:36:02:

There is an article in todays paper about the great man; he has ordered that all of his 3000 deputies arrest undocumented workers. So far they have apprehended over 200 of these criminals and they are now safely ensconced in the Sheriff's jails; waiting to be bussed back to Mexico.
The Sheriff issued a statement:
" I'm going to keep locking them up. This ain't no one-day pony show."

So after all the BS nonsense and stupidity we have witnessed surrounding this issue; the Sheriff clears the whole thing up simply and directly. Find 'em; bind 'em; and send them back. Gee why can't our leaders in Washington think of that?
Tell them to look up Sheriff Joe for some advice on how to handle this; because God Knows they need it.


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