Way to Go Senators!

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 09, 2006 at 07:31:20:

In a rare but wonderfully lucid moment in an otherwise miserable political climate the Senate has voted their conscience instead of their politics and struck down the administrations attempt to limit damage awards to sufferers in medical malpractice lawsuits.
Anyone who has any kind of experience with the medical establishment knows how badly they can screw up and how much damage thast can do to a family and to know that there is punishment for screwing up is the only thing keeping them honest.
While the majority of health care workers are of excellent quality and very dedicated; hospital administrators would hire the least qualified least paid workers in a minute if they thought they could save money and there would be no repercussions.
They tried that in the early eighties ratcheting up the numbers of unqualified nurses allowed to immigrate here from the indian sub-continent. After the lawsuits increased dramatically they wised up and shut down that practice. Thats what we would get if there was no possibility of damage awards.
So kudo's to our representatives who went against the wishes of the BUsh and voted this nefarious legislation down.


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