I'm a constructivist...

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Posted by artsybrute [ ] on January 16, 2004 at 14:46:57:

In Reply to: Re: Troll: HI FI is absolute or relative? posted by Wayne Parham on January 09, 2004 at 18:47:52:

I've been an audiophile for over 35 years and have some strong opinions.

I believe it's about what you like, can hear, and what you like about what you hear. I used to be into Dylan and the Band, Joan Jett and stuff like that, loved accuracy and power. Now, like many older audiophiles who have burned out a portion of their hearing but still have perfect pitch, I'm into cellos, oboes and the like. I don't believe the most accurate systems let one hear stuff like the differences between a 1965 Martin guitar and a Gibson, just because our present systems still need to greatly compress the dynamic range. Maybe in ten years.

So I like pure analog tube sound, turntable to SET to sensitive speakers at this point in time. I leave accurate reproduction to my home theatre system, 'cause the soud engineers there strive to make films that can sound better soundtrack-wise with accurate playback equipment. With music, I love the sound of harmonics that might not even have been there in the third row (orchestra) center seat.

I think some of my audiophile friends are gonna flame me on this one.


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