Re: You guys can re-populate the Krajina region with the albanians

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Posted by Damir [ ] on April 15, 2006 at 14:13:58:

In Reply to: You guys can re-populate the Krajina region with the albanians posted by Eldragon on April 15, 2006 at 13:03:07:

Nice idea in the minds of some idiot-warlords, they tried really hard about "ethnic cleancing" and "populations swapping"...the idea almost the end, almost all Albanians from Kosovo were expelled in Albania and Macedonia. Probabbly, most of them would finish in Croatia and EU, like Bosnians before. But, NATO bombs finished this, Albanians returned to Kosovo, most of the Serbs who still lived here went to Serbia, like Serbs from "Krajina" region in Croatia before that, Croatians from Vojvodina relocated in Croatia, etc.
Nice story.


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