Re: How can they.

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on April 15, 2006 at 13:13:53:

In Reply to: How can they. posted by GTF on April 15, 2006 at 10:35:56:

Yeah; I'm shopping in HD in Bayshore today and I turn to the wife in amazement. Not one person except us is native born in the whole garden area. I swear I could not understand a single conversation.
This is what I said to her. I like these people; they are for the most part kind and decent to talk to; they work hard and they have a good ense of humor and they are usually bright.
But I didn't sign on to live in Mexico. If I wanted that I would have bought there. When legal immigrants come here they disperse and become part of the communities. These illegals cannot do that. So they form ghettos. Ghettos that require huge amounts of public monies to police and provide health care and schooling. Then the men are solitary because the wives and kids are back home. So they need recreation and get into trouble. Their money goes back to the Mexican economy so it doesn't help us. You have to worry whenever you drive around their areas because they drive bombs and have no insurance and you can't sue them for anything anyway because they have no standing.

And anyway I want to live in my country; not someone elses. Period. I don't have to apologise for that.


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