Re: Notice how they have dropped the word "Illegal" from the immigrant issue

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on April 13, 2006 at 09:06:52:

In Reply to: Re: Notice how they have dropped the word "Illegal" from the immigrant issue posted by Leland Crooks on April 13, 2006 at 08:15:08:

The real problem is the restating of issues in inviting ways that seem to simplify the debate but in actuality create false justifications.
First an illegal in this country costs more to the taxpayer than his labor saves in costs. That is proven by dozens of peer reviewed studies in major economics journals.
Second; once the laws are re-arranged to make it possible for illegals to stay and have the rights of citizens; without the responsibilities; all of those supposed cost benefits will evaporate. They will have to be covered by compensation if they are allowed to work here. They will have to be credited for social security benefits.
They will begin to organise as aliens with all the benefits and almost none of the responsibilities that a citizen union or trade association would have. They would become non-entities regarding law abiding behaviour; if they broke the law, just flee to Mexico and Bam; we can't touch them.
I am sure you can come up with lots more eventualities.
Remmember one thing. Nothing in numbers stays flat; if they are allowed 400k now it will; as sure as you breathe be increased yearly until we are back to square one.
As guest workers; you had better hope they don't get injured on your property; you will be sued big time.


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