Re: I don't have any cartoons; any have anything interesting?

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Posted by Leland Crooks [ ] on April 03, 2006 at 06:32:52:

In Reply to: I don't have any cartoons; any have anything interesting? posted by manualblock on April 02, 2006 at 11:20:38:

I miss cassette decks. I still have one, but haven't used it in a long time. Convienent, almost as fast a cd's for song search, and if you had a good deck and metal tape, the sound quality was excellent.

Recording took longer in waiting for the finished product, but shorter if you include crashes, glitches, coasters and all the other crap that happens with digital. We havd sacrificed quality for size in two of my favorite mediums, music and photography. MP3's mostly suck for sound, and unless you're using pro gear, 35mm still kills digital, and even with pro the grain structure is still better.

But you can carry 1000 songs is your pocket, or 500 pictures on a credit card size camera. Who cares what it sounds or looks like.
Just my luddite rant for the day.


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