George on TV ...Again?

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on March 29, 2006 at 13:39:11:

He actually has bags under his eyes today. Gee; President Rove can't do the speeches for him I guess. He's trying to keep pretending Iraq is not in a civil war.
The Emporer has NO CLOTHES.
He said today,"At some point the Iraqi citizens have to step up and decide if they want to fight for a Democracy."
Gee; didn't he swear about fifty times they already committed to a Democracy?
Didn't this exact same thing happen to the Turks/Egyptians/British and now us?
Lets see where the British were in their third year of occupation of Iraq.
1930; Iraq; A treaty signed in Bashra delegating the British to train an Iraqi army. Ironically this army became a breeding ground of resentment against the British prescence. Eventually resulting in the British having to put down a pro-Nazi coup during the second world war fomented by the Iraqi armies hatred of the British occupiers, at the cost of 3000 British lives.


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