Re: Is it my Imagination;..

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on March 27, 2006 at 07:39:00:

In Reply to: Re: Is it my Imagination;.. posted by Shane on March 26, 2006 at 23:24:52:

So you make your own bow's ehh? Nice; have you taken any deer with them?

You know it's funny about your solitude statement. I had an uncle who went hunting with the family for 20 yrs. Never took a deer. Once I was in the blind with him and my dad and a deer came by; my dad says; "George; that ones yours", he shakes his head,"You take it", to me.
He hunted all his life and never shot anything; he just liked being in the woods.

I believe in gun control; because no one is going to take away your 30-06/30-30 or any other legitimate hunting weapon. The availability of handguns is absurd on any level and don't even mention semi-automatic weapons. Thats nuts.
Bows are o'kay though; I never hear of people getting killed by a bow.

I think politics is easy; look at the guy; see what he does not what he says and that pretty much sew's it up.

Every president since Goerge Washington had a little something on the side. Even Eike had a mistress. I don't blame a man for being a man; but yes; he could have made a better choice. Geez; thats all you get for being president?


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