Re: Addenda

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on March 22, 2006 at 18:20:22:

In Reply to: Re: More IP Nonsense posted by manualblock on March 22, 2006 at 17:48:15:

Sorry to post twice but I wanted to clear something up about my personal agenda here. You know every month my kid comes and asks me for 9$ off my credit card to do whats called form a team. He plugs in the card then he gets to build a team and then manage the team through a phanthom season. It's harmless and really costs nothing for the promoters of the game to do and they make a profit for administering the whole thing as I am sure you know.
My point is the 9$ is manageable and fair. What the MLB corp. wants is to raise the rates and grab as much profit from the boys as they can.
To me it just seems greedy; smarmy and typical of how these things seem to work. And the legitimate guy whose ideas have value and deserve protection; his case is watered down by the ones who abuse those rights.


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