Re: Yeah, Croatians are TOTALLY inocent...

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Posted by Damir [ ] on March 11, 2006 at 17:25:24:

In Reply to: Yeah, Croatians are TOTALLY inocent... posted by Eldragon on March 11, 2006 at 15:54:39:

Hehe, we used to think that CNN is on your side.
Obviously, thoughts about Milosevic and his politics are very different - and even now there`re some people who think it is something positive. And if not, somebody else is guilty for the consequences - probably even more. Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Slovenia, NATO, USA, Germany, Vatican, CNN...
As I see it, the only way is to radically stop the "war thinking" and Milosevic-like politics, once for all. Then long process of fixing the war damage (material, moral, political), return of refugees, trade and other cooperation, rising of standard, and maybe EU integration...


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