Re: This might help us understand what the NPT is about and reasins why some countries won;t sign

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on March 08, 2006 at 20:35:10:

In Reply to: Re: This might help us understand what the NPT is about and reasins why some countries won;t sign posted by akhilesh on March 08, 2006 at 11:19:46:

So how does that change the facts? Much of this is known and old hat but the fundamental issue stands. They are non-signatories and whether you believe in the morality of their position; the aspect of our participation still allows the run-around to exist. Remmember it hasn't been that long of a time that the U.S. and India have been on good terms. Next there are subtleties we have no ability to determine or make distinctions of regarding all of the particulars described in the entire NPT. So what is the point of studying the entire document when the underlying discussion at issue is relatively simple and straight forward.
Whether we hold weapons ourselves or grant other nations the right to hold them by fiat we are still controlling access . Or at least George is.


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