Re: Surprising Fact about the Mart

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Posted by Leland Crooks [ ] on March 01, 2006 at 17:14:59:

In Reply to: Re: Surprising Fact about the Mart posted by manualblock on March 01, 2006 at 08:39:46:

Uh, yea he is poor, he works for me . We're all poor together.

Poor is relative however. I do have basic health insurance available, which we match, and you're eligible immediately. (No 2 yr wait) Compared to many folks, we're doing all right.

I just find the attitude egregious. I bust a nut to do what's right by my employees, and don't understand the folks who don't. Probably why I'll never be rich. If they're so damn important to WalMart's success, then treat them accordingly.


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