Re: Wal-Mart CEO dictates Policy To Governers

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on February 27, 2006 at 10:32:27:

In Reply to: Re: Wal-Mart CEO dictates Policy To Governers posted by Leland Crooks on February 27, 2006 at 09:35:34:

I could link it but if you have Google it is the first article in the business section of the Google news feed.
I know the Mart is an easy target; like shooting turkeys in a barrell; but to me it signifies everything that must be addressed in our culture. The negative greed; by that I mean the greed that serves no purpose but to enrich a very small number of people at the expense of all of us. The lack of accountability where a company is granted rights to abuse the public/taxpayer/worker, while providing nothing of substance for the community. The concept that any large corporation should have rights that in the past were only granted to kings or dictators.
The concept that replacing good honest hard-working businesses with some large polluting abusing no-wage box store that as soon as the structure gets too old to function they abandone it to the rest of us to clean up their mess.
You get the picture.


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