Re: It proves Bush is NOT an American; he's and "OILMAN"

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on February 22, 2006 at 08:26:33:

In Reply to: Re: It proves Bush is NOT an American; he's and "OILMAN" posted by Bill Martinelli on February 21, 2006 at 22:47:26:

The United Arab Emirate is a nation formed for the express purpose of organising the business of selling mid-east oil. They have apporx 3% of the crude oil stocks left in the world but it seems their capability is increasing yearly with new sources exposed frequently. However their natural gas producing areas are some of the most prolific in the world.
At this time their gas reserves are ranked 5th overall but that does not include the Khuff natural gas reservoirs that potentially hold gas for the next 150 years at current use levels.
The port of Abu Dubai is the central relay station for most of the mid-east oil shipping.
There is a project called the Dolphin Project that seeks to combine all of the processing and shipping resources throughout the region into a modern and efficient transport system for natural gas and oil connected with the fields throughout the area and eventually to combine with much of the Arab penninsula to facilitate the ease and productivity of shipping petro products.
Bush wants the natural gas capability to be firmly in our control through partnerships with the Sheiks who run the UAE. So we let their shipping systems which; BTW are very modern and efficient run the whole caboodle. Extracting and processing and shipping right to our door.


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