Re: Medicare Mess

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Posted by Leland Crooks [ ] on February 03, 2006 at 08:55:00:

In Reply to: Medicare Mess posted by manualblock on February 03, 2006 at 07:21:08:

Doublespeak. War is Peace. Slavery is Freedom. Medicare D is helpful. VA negoitates drug prices, VA can't negotiate drug prices.

I have 3 elderly relatives that I take care of all of their business. This is a freaking disaster. No spin, first hand experience. I'm lost by this program. Setting up trusts and dealing with medicaid and regular medicare is a piece of cake compared to this. It requires projection into the future as to drug needs. Just not possible with old folks. The pharmacist here who is very helpful told me to do nothing until almost the deadline. He's really infuriated by it also. If you don't sign up, you get penalized. What the hell is that? Unfunded mandates is what that is. Feds are really good at that.
Fortunately none of mine require much medicine, but do I subscribe them to a barebones plan for now, just to get hammered later? Or do I subscribe to a bigger plan now, and get hammered now.

Actually I'm just going to go get hammered.


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