Re: State of the union

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on February 01, 2006 at 09:38:43:

In Reply to: Re: State of the union posted by Leland Crooks on February 01, 2006 at 08:49:08:

How about comparing himself to Martin Luther King? How about bringing up WW2 like he was in it? There were so many comedy lines in that speech you could write ten Saturday Night Live episodes from it.
But the best is how many initiatives did he mention that we won't have the money to fund because he is cutting taxes during a war?
And whatever happened to WMD's? Isn't that why we went to war? Forgot about that I guess.
How about the statement concerning human-animal cloning combinations? Even his own people looked confused by that star-wars analogy.
Man there is so much nonsense; who buys this crap anyway?
Notice there isn't much response now from the other side; they only have something to say when they are ahead in the polls. Now they are silent as the grave.
Sheepish I think is a good word here. Hard to realise you are so totally off base and wrong-headed. And those of us who fought against the propoganda and lies will never get an apology for all the insults.


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