Re: Mine Safety and Bush

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on January 21, 2006 at 23:30:04:

In Reply to: Re: Mine Safety and Bush posted by PakProtector on January 21, 2006 at 21:51:29:

Yeah; thats true but in their defense the laws and economic realities are against them. Try any serious negotiating or organising and you are in court the next day. Look at how the local government clamp down on organising at Wal-Mart. How the hell they can defeat the workers right to speak to employees is beyond me.
Think of all the anti-strike laws on the books now; and as soon as you talk tough they threaten to outsource the whole business rather than treat you fairly.
The deck is seriously stacked against even the concept of honoring a contract by management; look at the airlines where the courts simply dissolved a binding contract in the flick of an eye when the companies cried.
9 % of labor is organised; not enough to have any influence at the polls. No; it's going to be a long hard road back to workers rights in this country; but you see it coming; all those court battles that are starting to tilt a little towards labor. I guess people are getting tired of being expendable; having no rights; having management dissolve contracts; not having any security or benefits. Shitty way to live.


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