Re: Unbelieveable

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on January 21, 2006 at 14:18:53:

In Reply to: Unbelieveable posted by Leland Crooks on January 21, 2006 at 12:31:53:

Did he have his eyepatch and sabre on him? Searching the archives there are so many dubious speeches that it's truely amazing how the Republican Hardcore Reactionary Neo-Cons can live with themselves they sound so disengenous.
I read there is forming in the house a co-alition of real Republicans who seek to return to the root thinking of Republicanism.
Fiscal responsibility/Less Government and less Government intrusion in personal lives/ prudent and carefull international diplomacy/ seperation of church and state / sound business legislation and job promotion / solid educational programs.
Sounds good to me.
That would eliminate cutting taxes while fighting a war. Eliminate the war period; protecting American jobs from outsourceing; allowing higher education credits; non-involvement in the culture wars; protecting the country from excess and illegal immigration. Lots more.


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