Re: Cowboys Faggots

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on January 20, 2006 at 13:01:57:

In Reply to: Re: Cowboys Faggots posted by manualblock on January 19, 2006 at 11:15:41:

I am going out on a limb here. We; AK and I have had numerous discussions regarding the government and how it is conducted. He is not alone in establishing what appears to me to be a strong dislike of how the structure of government is conducted. At various times we have heard that the Constitution is mis-read. That all of Congree and the Senate is filled with crooks and liars and theives. I think that is an accurate statement if you look at previous posts.
I find this difficult to follow.
I believe that all citizens in a democratic republic like ours have a responsibility to observe and participate in the government as much as is feasible and correct. That means holding opinions on matters of the day; voting; keeping abreast as much as possible with the arguments surrounding the political landscape. Knowing who your representatives are and what they stand for.
I have strong opinions concerning our leaders. If I think they are wrong or behaving badly I use my power of the vote to express my view.
But make no mistake; I think this is the best governing body in the history of the world. While I don't agree with many of our current political members in the house and senate; I respect them for doing an impossible job as best as they can.
Do they have faults? Absolutely; thats why we vote. Do they have more faults than the average guy? Nope.
Talked to an insurance executive lately?
How about a CEO?


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