Re: more news from redland

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on January 07, 2006 at 10:06:23:

In Reply to: Re: more news from redland posted by Leland Crooks on January 07, 2006 at 06:31:29:

Well; it's nice to see resonable opinions and your's is one of them. I always believed that the position of Senator and Representative should carry a burden of trust and concern for the welfare of the citizens you represent. Of course politics requires compromise and operations close to the line of propriety. But the real Americans manage to walk that line and still look like decent people. I think that intrinsic decency is what has been missing in the neo-con philosophy.
And where are the statesmen? Jack Kennedy could face off with the Russians to the matt and still engage in diplomacy of the highest order. With these guys it's like kindergarden time; we eithor hate the world or fight the world; where the hell is the concept of diplomacy? Nixon was a master diplomat who understood how the wheels of power turn. Reagan also.
These guys are children who cannot see anything beyond simplistic and reactionary policies that provide immediate benefit to them and their cronies.
Now all the hardcore right-wing bloggers are mute about this whole Iraq disaster and the huge incompetence shown in the handling of all world affairs with this kid.
We need some leadership; where's the leaders?
Bunch of big-mouth's up there.


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