Oasis of sense

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on July 21, 2004 at 10:37:22:

Mr. Barbour; Have re-read article from Issue 19 of VTV titled Why NOS tubes are better. Excellent explanation for what we have all been hearing. However the essay at the end of the article is somewhat confusing. In the paragraph where you begin;"Just as important is the suseptibility of your average NOS nerd....", I am wondering why that appears to me to contradict your basic contention that NOS tubes in fact are better sounding due to the reasons you illuminate in the article. I read on but the remaining ideas don't clarify. BTW does anyone really take Tellig seriously? I mean every piece he reviews can't be the best. Stereophile is a great catalog of equipment but except for the response graphs and industry news what is the point, even the music reviews are gratuitous.

My humble opinion; There are only a limited no. of individuals willing to take the incredible amount of time and effort to excell at this hobby and those individuals realise that there is a lifetime of learning involved; are not easily fooled; tend to know when the sound is good and vice-versa; to not slavishly cleave onto every new fad; and are careful with their money. So that is a difficult audience upon which to make a living and you have my sympathy as well as a sincere gratitude for your dedication. please do not allow a souring of opinion to infect your efforts.


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