Re: When in Rome, do as The Vandals

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on December 28, 2005 at 07:46:19:

In Reply to: When in Rome, do as The Vandals posted by Damir on December 28, 2005 at 00:41:02:

I think he is making himself scarce since the political winds are not blowing his way. The Iraqi war is going into the tiolet; the elections were a farce, the country cannot and never will be able to defend itself, the leaders are aligning themselves with Iran and waiting for a strongman type like Hussein to emerge and take over.
The Republican Party is fractured over their obviously predatory policies towards the middle class, poor and the envirenment. Tom Delay; his hero, is about to be convicted of influence peddling if not worse, Cheney is implicated in criminal activities and now the internal spying scandal is an exact replica of the Watergate Scandals of the Nixon administration.

So he is probably hiding.

How was your christmas? I bet the little one had a blast.


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